Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Reverse-Graffiti Artist

Graffiti Artist Moose is baffling authorities as they try to figure out if selective cleaning is a crime?

"The tools are simple: A shoe brush, water and elbow grease," he says.

"British authorities aren’t sure what to make of the artist who is creating graffiti by cleaning the grime of urban life. The Leeds City Council has been considering what to do with Moose. "I’m waiting for the kind of Monty Python court case where exhibit A is a pot of cleaning fluid and exhibit B is a pair of my old socks," he jokes.

More here: Link.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

This Could Be Your Last Memory!

That Peeing Song

Here's a very funny animation video about Will Reinhart's bathroom experience at Mac's in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Are you as concerned about the world's diminishing Net freedoms as we are?

 Google, Yahoo, Microsoft are all now supporting censorship of the Net in China and elsewhere. And now the big telecom companies are trying to push through hefty tarrifs on bandwidth. At least we can take to the streets and communicate with graffiti art once they take our Net freedoms away. Free Expression Forever! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Featured on The Jim Richards Show

Just got finished with a fun interview with CFRB 1010 Talk News Host Jim Richards about The Bathroom Graffiti Project. As soon as I get an MP3 of the interview I will post it here.

Thanks to your help, word is getting out about the BGP. We have about 1,000 people a day visiting the photo gallery and over 70 BGP Snipers out on the loose taking pictures of bathroom graffiti and sniping stickers.

Submit your pictures here.

Join the BGP Sniper Team here.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

GraffitiProject Featured On ABC News!

ROSE PALAZZOLO from ABC News wrote an article featuring The Bathroom Graffiti Project yesterday. So many people have been visiting the site that the servers crashed today. We will get the site up as soon as possible! Thanks for your the article here:

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

El Toileto!

Bathroom murals don't get much better than this. Thanks Joel for this amazing submission. Keep em coming...

Boys vs Girls Graffiti

The Bathroom Graffiti Project has been asked several times whether there is a difference between the graffiti in men's restrooms vs. women's restrooms. From what we've noticed the major difference is there usually seems to be more graffiti in the men's rooms. But when you find a good women's restroom with lots of graffiti, it's every bit as creative, witty, profane and gritty as the dirty scrawls on the wall from the men's room. Now that we're paying attention to this question, we'd love to hear what you think? And better yet, we'd love to have some different examples submitted to the Bathroom Graffiti Proejct so we can let people analyze this matter for themselves. Submit pics at

Monday, February 20, 2006

Could Graffiti Cause A Riot?

Send in your religious and political graffiti...looking for anything that might be controversial, interesting, spiritual, witty, whatever. If cartoons can cause riots all over the country, just curious about the impact of bathroom graffiti when religion is involved. Submit your images at www.graffitiproject.comPosted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

Yes! Have You?

But now I'm feeling pretty good. How about you? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Announcing The 2005 BGP Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the BGP Photo Contest! In case you’re wondering how we selected this year’s winners, we used your viewer ratings to help us narrow the pool of finalists. We then selected the top three winners based on the quality of the bathroom graffiti image, the creativity, and how well we thought the images represented The Bathroom Graffiti Project. Keep submitting your favorite images. We will soon be announcing a new Photo Contest for 2006. Thanks again for all of your contributions. It truly was difficult to narrow down the selections.

First Place: The Bigger the Bellow

Location: Men’s Room, The Deadwood, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Photo Taken: July 20, 2004
Photographer: Anthony
Artist Comment: Best use of white space I’ve seen in a long time.

Second Place: The Lamp and The Tag

Location: Men’s Room, The Deadwood, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Photo Taken: July 20, 2004
Photographer: Anthony
Artist Comment: Best use of white space I’ve seen in a long time.

Third Place: I Love You

Location: The Marble Arch, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Photo Taken: January 01, 2003
Photographer: Alex Davidov
Artist Comment: An interesting cross section of Vancouver's bathroom writers.

Amazing Year For Bathroom Graffiti

Thanks to all of the help from our loyal readers, the BGP Sniper Team, and all of you who continue to submit pictures, the Bathroom Graffiti Project had a great year in 2005. If you’ve been to our site before then you know we’re all about promoting freedom of expression, street art, and creative thought. If this is your first time, here’s our manifesto:

Even though, we’re just beginning our mission to collect and document the world’s best bathroom graffiti, the graffiti writers and artists of the world are beginning to unite! With your help we have already been able to collect over 330 images from around the world.

We’re a long ways of from our goal of at least one image from every country in the world, but give us a couple years. This collaborative arts project is taking off. Already the archives have images from all over the United States, Canada, France, Australia, China, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Germany.

You can help out by taking pictures of bathroom graffiti, telling your friends about the project and linking to our site.